Samar Al-Bulushi marks the twentieth anniversary of the bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania with a reflection…
Gang Violence in Gugulethu, South Africa: Notes from the field
Gang violence continues unabated in South Africa, particularly in impoverished black and “coloured” communities. This essay focuses on black communities.…
The Snake and the Hedgehog: Managing Farmer-Herder Conflicts in Nigeria
The recent escalation in violence in the farmer-herder conflict poses a serious threat to peace and security across Nigeria. These incidents have…
“No Cattle Would Be Left Out”: Farmer-Herder Conflict and the Challenge of Peacebuilding from Below in Ghana
Farmer-Herder conflicts have grown in frequency across the Sahel region of West and Central Africa, including in Ghana, where they…
“Two Rams Cannot Drink from the Same Bowl”: Supremacy Battles and Peacebuilding Challenges in Arogbo-Ijaw Area of Ondo State, Nigeria
Conflict within and between militant groups in the Arogbo-Ijaw area of Ondo State in Nigeria are the result of struggles…
Examining the Role of Youth in the Maï-Maï Yakutumba Insurgency
Youth in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)—as everywhere else—are the main participants in violent conflict. They constitute the…
Ending Impunity in the Central African Republic Still a Bridge Too Far
At the end of July 2017, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) announced that the number of internally…
A New Political Landscape of Petro-Insurgency in the Niger Delta
The Niger Delta has repeatedly produced natural resources that give the region a significant role in the global economy –…
Security Implications of Hosting Refugees: The Case of South Sudanese Refugees in Gambella, Southwestern Ethiopia
This is a cross-post from Africa Up Close, the blog of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Africa Program.…
The “Anglophone Problem” in Cameroon: Is Another Crisis Brewing?
A new episode of what is commonly known as the “Anglophone problem” in Cameroon has been spurred by the demonstration…