Introduction Conservation strategies in Africa typically comprise a variety of approaches aimed at preserving biodiversity, safeguarding species, and conserving habitat.…
Ethiopia`s Pretoria Peace Agreement and the Fate of the ‘Contested’ Areas
Introduction After two years of devastating war, the Federal government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People`s Liberation Front (TPLF) signed…
Living around Mole National Park: Grassroots Perspectives on Gendered Experiences of Protected Area Conflicts and Peacebuilding Strategies
Introduction Globally, conflicts are intrinsic to protected areas (PAs), given the multiple actors, varying interests, and institutional structures connected with…
Casamance: Questioning the Significance of December 26, 1982
To get out of the "impasse of neither peace nor war" in Casamance, it is necessary, through a cultural approach,…
An Approach to Sustainable Development: Understanding the Quadruple Nexus
Maximizing the interlinkages of the pillars of peace/security, development, human rights, and humanitarianism while being fully cognizant of governance, external…
Navigating Violent Networks: Youth-led Everyday Peacebuilding in Zimbabwe
Although many young people were and are implicated in long-term political violence in Mbare specifically and in the country more…
Reintegration Challenges in the Post-2015 Amnesty Program for Former Foreign Fighters in Coastal Kenya
This essay reflects on the reintegration challenges in the implementation of the post-2015 amnesty program for returning foreign Al-Shabaab fighters…
Prospects of using Theatre for Development (TfD) as a tool for resolving Farmers-Pastoralist conflict in Kilosa, Tanzania
This essay establishes that TfD has immense potential in mediating and resolving farmer-pastoralist conflicts as it has the power to…
Language, Conflict Mitigation and Mediation Processes in Kaduna State, Nigeria
Conflict is part of human everyday existence. Occasionally, conflict may become confrontational and culminate in physical violence. The approach to…
Understanding Gender Complementarity in Igbo Society: The Role of Ụmụada and Ụmụnna in Peacebuilding
Introduction This essay argues that gender roles and relations in peacebuilding in Igbo society are complementary against the background of…