Introduction Social media is arguably the most widely used digital technology for peacebuilding in Nigeria, especially by civil society. For…
Sokfa John
Dr. Sokfa John is a researcher and practitioner in mediation, conflict transformation and digital peacebuilding. He was a recipient of the SSRC’s 2023 APN-IRF Fellowship. Sokfa is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Mediation in Africa, University of Pretoria. He co-leads the African Community Mediation initiatives of the Mediators Beyond Borders International; and serves as the deputy president of the Africa Mediation Association. Sokfa is a Rotary Peace Fellow (Professional Development) and a National Geographic Explorer working on cultural technologies of peacemaking.
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Local Dynamics of Everyday Digital Peacebuilding in Africa
May 10, 2024
Introduction Africa’s peacebuilding landscape is increasingly animated by the intentional exploration and strategic use of digital technologies to prevent or…