Introduction Africa’s peacebuilding landscape is increasingly animated by the intentional exploration and strategic use of digital technologies to prevent or…
Empowering Kenyan Voices in Peacebuilding Discourse Through Talk Radio
April 12, 2019
There can be no peace without development and no development without peace. Report of the UN Secretary-General, September 2013 As…
Africa Peace Journalism: A Manual for Media Practitioners in East Africa
February 5, 2019
Africa Peace Journalism: A Manual for Media Practitioners in East Africa is the outcome of the East Africa Regional Peace…
Reflections on World Press Freedom Day in Accra
May 22, 2018
Just a few weeks ago on May 2 and 3, events celebrating the 25th World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) were…
The Media and Fresh Presidential Elections in Kenya: Some Emerging Issues
September 22, 2017
The place of the media in society in the run-up of events leading to the election, particularly how the election…
“Africanizing” Media Coverage of Threats to Peace and Security on the Continent
October 26, 2016
A recent surge of terrorism has compounded preexisting threats to Africa’s peace and security, manifesting in complex forms of conflicts…