Although data analysis is ongoing, research-based observations and insights from study communities are already very instructive regarding the state of…
Muslim Women’s Marital and Citizenship Rights in Ghana
Consequently, the question of Muslim women’s marital and citizenship rights is complex. Whichever form of marriage Muslim women choose has…
Building Peaceful Masculinities in the Context of Covid-19: Reflections from Fieldwork among the Dagaaba of Northwestern Ghana
This article reflects on Dagaaba men’s constructions of masculinity and the implications of such perspectives for everyday peacebuilding amid the…
Life as an APN Alumnus: An Interview with Dr. Amanda Coffie
The Social Science Research Council’s African Peacebuilding Network (APN) had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Amanda Coffie, an…
Reflections on World Press Freedom Day in Accra
Just a few weeks ago on May 2 and 3, events celebrating the 25th World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) were…
“No Cattle Would Be Left Out”: Farmer-Herder Conflict and the Challenge of Peacebuilding from Below in Ghana
Farmer-Herder conflicts have grown in frequency across the Sahel region of West and Central Africa, including in Ghana, where they…
Life as an APN Alumnus: An Interview with Dr. Peace Medie
The Social Science Research Council’s African Peacebuilding Network (APN) recently had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Peace Medie,…
Life as an APN Alumnus: An Interview with Professor Audrey Gadzekpo
Professor Audrey Gadzekpo, an Alumnus (Individual Research Grant 2014) of the Social Science Research Council’s African Peacebuilding Network (APN), has…
Consolidating Democracy in Ghana: An Overview
A few days after the December 2016 elections in Ghana, a cartoon appeared in Uganda’s Sunday Monitor depicting a civics…
Ghana: Another Peaceful Alternation of Power
On December 7 2016, Ghana held its seventh national elections since the beginning of the Fourth Republic. [1] In the…