To get out of the "impasse of neither peace nor war" in Casamance, it is necessary, through a cultural approach,…
Rekindled My Self-Confidence, Creativity, and New Perspectives to Research
Being an APN-IRF fellow has been a huge blessing to me. I am indeed very thankful for this opportunity. It…
An Approach to Sustainable Development: Understanding the Quadruple Nexus
Maximizing the interlinkages of the pillars of peace/security, development, human rights, and humanitarianism while being fully cognizant of governance, external…
Navigating Academic Research, Networking, and Professional Development: My Post-APN Experience
APN funding supported my visit to the field to conduct interviews and collect data on the involvement of Umuada Igbo…
Reinvigorated My Spirit as a Scholar and Reignited My Passion for Research and Writing
Looking forward to the next decade, I propose that more grants be awarded to African scholars to research topical issues…
Bridging Humanities and Social Science Research in Africa: My APN Experience
The APN award has enabled me to navigate the fuzzy boundary between the humanities and social science research and has…
Encouraging the Transformation of My Scholarly Passion into Reality
Generally, the APN has helped me to transform the scope of my research beyond urban studies to connect human security…
Changing Dynamics of Conflict and Peacebuilding Among Farmer-Herder Communities in Nigeria’s Middle Belt Region
The escalation of the conflict in 2015, including its changing character, dynamics, and trajectories, was fueled by the emergence of…
Building My Reputation as a Young Researcher
As a member of the APN family, my role is to encourage others, particularly new members, to make use of…
Impacted Positively on My Life and Academic Career
I learned through my participation in APN activities how to deepen research by focusing on its scientific, social, and political…