Consequently, the question of Muslim women’s marital and citizenship rights is complex. Whichever form of marriage Muslim women choose has…
A Tour de Force for So Many
I ask myself: why has the APN had this impact on us all? What sets the program apart?
Preventing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) as a Peacebuilding Strategy: Opportunities and Insights from Northern Rwanda
This essay addresses the challenges and opportunities for preventing women living in conflict-affected or post-conflict communities from becoming victims of…
Understanding Gender Complementarity in Igbo Society: The Role of Ụmụada and Ụmụnna in Peacebuilding
Introduction This essay argues that gender roles and relations in peacebuilding in Igbo society are complementary against the background of…
Where Are the Women’s Voices? Local Water Governance and Inclusive Peacebuilding in Uganda
In spite of the legal framework supporting inclusive local water governance, women’s formal participation still remains minimal and at best…
Survivors of Sexual Violence: Navigating Post-Conflict Environments in Nigeria’s Niger Delta
This article is based on some of the findings from my APN-supported research in post-conflict oil producing communities of Nigeria’s…
Understanding Selfhood among Young People Who Were Born Out of Genocide Rape in Rwanda
One Saturday afternoon in 2013, I was at home in Kigali, Rwanda watching television when I randomly came across a…
Women and Nigeria’s 2019 Elections
Gender inequality manifests in Nigeria’s politicosphere as a deeply held belief by many, including some women, that men are superior…
Women, Petro-Insurgency, and Peacebuilding in Nigeria’s Niger Delta Region
While some recent studies have focused on the gender dimension of the struggle for environmental justice in the Niger Delta,…
Vitória é Certa! The Future Belongs to African Women
African women have much to celebrate. We have historic and recent examples of women’s leadership at the highest levels of…