INTRODUCTION Irregular migration in the Southern African region, particularly in the Limpopo Province between South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana, has…
South Africa
Ethiopia`s Pretoria Peace Agreement and the Fate of the ‘Contested’ Areas
Introduction After two years of devastating war, the Federal government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People`s Liberation Front (TPLF) signed…
Xenophobia, politics, and religion as we approach the 2024 elections in South Africa
Introduction This essay explores the linkages between xenophobia, politics and religion, in the run-up to the general elections in South…
Reflections on the Challenges and Benefits of an Inter-Disciplinary PhD Study
My first-hand experience with sex workers has given me an in-depth understanding of their lived realities and this is primarily…
An Interview with Bernadine Jones
Bernadine Jones, former Next Gen fellow, recently published a book titled Election and TV News in South Africa (Palgrave Macmillan). Next Gen’s…
Anticipating the new awful: Covid-19 and South Africa’s fragile peace
The coronavirus and lockdown measures have had a crippling effect on the South African economy and her people. The pandemic…
Reflections on Conducting Fieldwork during the Covid-19 Pandemic
The pandemic has necessitated the creation of new methodological tools and ethical practices, as well as the adaptation of older…
The Future after the Covid-19 Pandemic: Remote Work in South Africa
On the 11th of March, 2020, Covid-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Since then, Covid-19…
Fees Must Fall: Lessons from Student Struggles in South Africa
South Africa is currently undergoing a resurgence in student protests, with students agitating for free, decolonized education. The most prominent…
#FeesMustFall Uprising 2015: The Emergence of Youth Agency in South Africa’s Largest Post-Apartheid Protests
In October 2015, South African students took to the streets for weeks of protests under the slogan #FeesMustFall. The magnitude…