When you fund the research of young and middle-career academics, you are enabling them to make sure that the knowledge…
Life as an APN Alumnus: An Interview with Professor Audrey Gadzekpo
June 24, 2017
Professor Audrey Gadzekpo, an Alumnus (Individual Research Grant 2014) of the Social Science Research Council’s African Peacebuilding Network (APN), has…
The Role of Journalists in Improving Media Coverage of Conflict and Peacebuilding in West Africa
May 12, 2016
"Journalists should let the stories tell themselves; if you tell a compelling story, people will get it. They just have…
Mediating Electoral Violence in a Polarized Society: The Case of Zimbabwe
September 30, 2015
"Although the media...are expected to observe, investigate, and subsequently report news as objectively as possible, these institutions are powerful political…
Press Freedoms and the Need to Repeal Draconian Media Legislation in Tanzania
May 11, 2015
"Press freedom is an important element of the democratization process. The freedom to report critically and question decisions promotes transparency…