“The Nile constitutes a common destiny; we either sink or swim together, and we chose to swim together.” Ethiopia’s Former…
Development and Statebuilding at the Cost of Peacebuilding? The Case of the Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia
January 23, 2018
Building state institutions, providing services, and promoting economic development in conflict-affected regions are usually considered integral to peacebuilding. This essay…
Insecurity, Conflict, and Militancy in the Maghreb and Sahel Regions
April 21, 2017
Throughout the Maghreb and Sahel regions of Africa, many communities are struggling under the strain of new patterns of violence…
Africa’s Development: The Paradox of Continental Integration and Closed Borders
October 19, 2016
By: Obijiofor Aginam[1] The Crux of the Argument The decolonization of most of Africa which largely occurred in the decade…
How Is the Securitization of Africa Addressing Human Insecurity?
December 7, 2015
"The securitization of Africa has changed academic discourse in several ways by broadening the concept of “security” and its role…
Refilling the Vacuum: Responding to the Boko Haram Insurgency
February 25, 2014
"If the Boko Haram insurgency is to be tackled effectively, a combination of well-thought-out development plans and security strategies is…