As a mental health practitioner working in a post-conflict context, I advocate being an active part of a bourgeoning network…
Marie Grace Kagoyire
Marie Grace Kagoyire is a PhD candidate at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. She is interested in understanding how Rwandan youth born after the genocide narratively construct their genocide memories. Her published works focus on the effects of genocide among women survivors of rape, intergenerational legacies, and trauma of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda and its psychosocial effects among post-genocide youth. She also has been a recipient of a 2019 APN Individual Research Grant award, 2019. Marie Grace also received a 2021 Next Generation Social Science Research in Africa (NextGen) Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship award. She is experienced in training and researching on Sociotherapy, Multifamily Healing Spaces, and Reintegration of Ex-genocide perpetrators approaches, all aiming at promoting mental health and peacebuilding in post-genocide Rwanda.
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Doing Research during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Coping with Risks, Managing the Consequences
November 10, 2021
This essay is based on my personal experience during this Covid-19 pandemic as a PhD student. I hope that my…