Since everyone writes differently, formulating a standard set of advice on how best to pull together your research into an…
East African Community
The Crisis in Burundi: A Call to Regional Actors
February 1, 2016
"Given Burundi’s refusal to allow the AU’s peacekeeping force and the UN’s admitted lack of preparedness, what role can the…
Burundi: The Problem with “Give War a Chance”
February 1, 2016
"Surely, Burundi has exposed us in East Africa the same way Somalia continues to. However, we need innovative thinking on…
Peace at Stake in Burundi: Could the Crisis Escalate, and Is There a Way Out?
September 11, 2015
"The commitment of a section of the opposition to unseating Nkurunziza’s regime, coupled with divisions within the military and the…
Press Freedoms and the Need to Repeal Draconian Media Legislation in Tanzania
May 11, 2015
"Press freedom is an important element of the democratization process. The freedom to report critically and question decisions promotes transparency…