Introduction Recently, many forms of violence and conflict are escalating due to multiple, often interrelated causes, such as poverty, insufficient…
Peacebuilding in Africa
“The African continent has been racked with war in the years since decolonization. In the aftermath of violent conflict, peace is often fragile…”
Carayannis, Tatiana. Making Sense of the Central African Republic. Zed Books, 2015.
“Lying at the centre of a tumultuous region, the Central African Republic and its turbulent history have often been overlooked. Democracy, in any kind of a meaningful sense, has eluded the country…”
Cramer, Christopher. Researching Violence in Africa Ethical and Methodological Challenges. Leiden: Brill, 2011.
“Researching violence and conflict can be challenging for a variety of reasons, including security risks to researchers and informants, restricted or lack of access to informants and field sites, and poor reliability of official data…”
“Although prospects for peacekeeping and peacebuilding in Africa have significantly improved since the end of the East-West conflict, creating the conditions for lasting peace nevertheless remains a challenge…”
“The politics of peace has undergone tremendous changes since the end of the Cold War: It moved from an ideological debate into a well-established policy field. How does this affect its content?…”
“Particularly in the context of internal conflicts, international law is frequently unable to create and sustain frameworks for peace in Africa. In Peacebuilding in the African Union, Abou Jeng explores the factors which have prevented such steps forward in the interaction between the international legal order and postcolonial Africa…”
“Liberia especially, experienced years of violent conflicts from 1989 to 2003, resulting in the devastation and the destruction of the security sector in the country, as well as the killing of more than 200,000 people, with about 1.2 million people displaced…” Security Sector Reform.
“This book explores the expanding international efforts to promote rule of law in countries emerging from violent conflict. With a focus on Africa, the authors critically examines the impact of these activities in relation to liberal peacebuilding, rule of law institutions, and the range of non-state providers of justice and security…”
“In today’s Africa racism and ethnicity have been implicated in serious conflicts – from Egypt to Mali to South Africa – that have cost lives and undermined efforts to achieve national cohesion and meaningful development…”
“This book seeks to examine how successful models of building ‘peace from within’ in the African context function. It draws emerging lessons to provide critical recommendations on policy, practice and academia – our primary audience…”
Murithi, Timothy. The African Union: Pan-Africanism, peacebuilding and development. Ashgate,2005.
“The African Union was established in July 2002 by African leaders, evolving from the Organization of African Unity (OAU). However the idea of the African Union can be traced to the Pan-Africanist movement…”
Omeje, Kenneth. The Crises of Postcoloniality in Africa. Dakar: CODESRIA, 2015.
“Driven by genocide, civil war, political instabilities, ethnic and pastoral hostilities, the African Great Lakes Region, primarily Uganda, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Burundi, has been overwhelmingly defined by conflict…”