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Oluwatoyin O. Oluwaniyi

Oluwatoyin O. Oluwaniyi is a 2013 recipient of the Social Science Research Council’s African Peacebuilding Network Individual Research Grant. She is a senior lecturer at Redeemer’s University, Ogun State, Nigeria. She is a political scientist specializing in peace and conflict studies. Her main research areas are in conflict and conflict resolution, post-conflict reconstruction, refugee issues, and gender studies. She is a Cadbury Fellow of the Centre of West African Studies at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, and a fellow of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Uppsala, Sweden. Dr. Oluwaniyi is a recipient of several grant awards from organizations such as the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation (African Young Scholars Award); CODESRIA; West African Research Association (United States); West African Research Centre (Dakar, Senegal); and the Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity (CRISE), University of Oxford, United Kingdom. She has published a number of scientific papers and articles on gender issues in peace and conflict, post-conflict peacebuilding and reconstruction, and security issues in reputable books and journals. Dr. Oluwaniyi holds a BSc in Political Science and Administration from the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria, and an MSc and PhD in Political Science from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

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